Monday, December 4, 2023

Audio Books

Why haven't I discovered the joy of listening to audiobooks before? 

I have successfully avoided the bug of KINDLE so far. For me, it has always been the physical copies of books, preferably hardcover. 

All the advantages of using the KINDLE (which easily outnumber that of the physical books) fall shy in front of my pet vanity project - having a big physical library to boast of after retirement. 

But, of late, I noticed that reading books taking a hit because of professional obligations and digital distractions ( will talk about the digital distraction some other day). I have been into podcasts for quite some time now, but that also losing its sheen, because of the problem of plenty. 

Three months back, don't know why, I started a free trial of Audible. And Boy a Boy!!! I have been hooked to audiobooks ever since. 22 books in last 3 months. 

I can listen to audiobooks, while I walk, work, shop and browse stuff. When I realized that I could read more books in a year through this channel, my joys are in no bound. Especially, I loved listening to Hindi books, which I would have struggled to read. And even if I could have, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as most narrations reflect the accent with which it was intended to be read. 

Thank You Audible!!!       

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