Monday, March 18, 2024

Stop Reading The News


I had stopped watching news channels more than a decade ago. So, thankfully I have been spared of the cacophony of news debates for quite some time. I can't recognize the current opinion makers and influencers. Pity me.   

Fulfilling my new year resolution, I uninstalled the Twitter (sorry X) app on January 1st this year. So, I don't receive my news every minute anymore. What's the current trend,  what a politician tweeted, when an actress is pregnant, how an influencer slapped another, where an accident has happened, which social media celebrity made a gaffe  --- I have no clue since many days. Oh! My daily life is so peaceful now. 

I have understood, consuming news daily or staying updated by the minute is no longer a priority. If the news is important enough, I would know it anyway. I am not socially cut-off. I still talk to my friends. Daily. Multiple times. 

When I was reading the book by Rolf Dobelli (the author of The art of thinking clearly), I realized I am not alone in such a thought. The book "Stop Reading the News" bolsters my confirmation bias. 

P.S. Well, I don't exactly follow this advice to the letter. I still read News, that get delivered everyday outside my front door, printed on paper, but mostly confines itself to Business and micro and macro Economics. 

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